About Me.
In 2013, I founded Calamnius Consulting and since then have created and curated culture, art and education projects, festivals and exhibitions in Switzerland. I also have worked in education, future of work and culture startups in several positions, mainly making the concepts, financial plans, advising and connecting with the community and partners.
I studied European Legal Studies at the University of Westminster in London and in Maastricht (LLB). In 2013, she completed the Executive Master in Arts Administration (EMAA) training at the University of Zurich and in 2019 I did the Zigurat program and the Master of Blockchaintechnologies at the University of Barcelona.
I believe in lifelong learning and at the moment I am studying a future studies at the Open University of Turku and curating courses in NODE Berlin.
I am involved in the Zug cultural scene and is the initiator, founder and director of the dance festival for young audiences YOUNG DANCE ZUG Festival. I am a board member of various cultural and business associations, Swiss contact person for Finland Institute Deutchland and Hub lead in Global Blockchain Initative.
In my free time I work as volunteer for several culture and sport associations and events.
I have love to connect people in my network and find a ways to support creative and innovative people.